How To Transform Your Health Using Good Base: Aronia Berry

Aronia is known as the “Anti-Ageing Berry”—and is quickly becoming a popular superfood. This is because Aronia berries are low in calories and pack a nutritional punch! These small, dark berries are considered one of the richest sources of antioxidants and offer many health-promoting properties …

Minerals: Vitamin C | Vitamin B | Vitamin K | Fiber | Iron | Magnesium | Zinc

Properties: Antioxidants | Anti-inflammatory | Anti-cancer

Treats: Weight loss | Digestion & Liver issues | Heart Health | Cancer

Weight Loss

  • Aronia berries are high in Vitamin C which is known to reduce inflammation in your body and help your metabolism function properly
  • Being high in Fiber, they assist with the cleansing of fat and waste from your intestines
  • Aronia berries are also a natural diuretic which can prevent weight gain associated with bloating and water retention
  • They contain phenolic compounds that can fight inflammation and diseases that lead to obesity, such as cardiovascular disease and fatty liver disease
  • Because they are high in Potassium—Aronia berries can help your body recover quickly after a workout and encourage you to maintain and active lifestyle
  • Aronia berries also contain essential fatty acids that support brain health by alleviating symptoms of depression associated with being on a low calorie diet
  • Aronia berries work to protect your liver, which functions to help you process food, breakdown excess fat and remove toxins from your body—and offers overall improvement to your digestive system

Heart Health

  • Aronia berries can help people with symptoms like high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels reduce their risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes
  • They are a source of Resveratrol, the same antioxidant in red wine, that can help improve your heart and blood vessel function as well as reduce high blood pressure

Cancer Protection

  • Aronia berries can help combat the growth of certain cancers and support the immune system in fighting disease and infections
  • They contain enough of the daily recommended antioxidants that help protect your cells against the type of cancer-causing cell damage
  • The anthocyanins in Aronia berries have been shown to suppress the growth of colon cancer cells in test-tube studies. One study found that Aronia extract reduced growth by 60% after 24 hours
  • Aronia berries have also been known to reduce oxidative stress related to breast cancer. In one test-tube study, these extracts reduced the number of harmful superoxide free radicals in blood samples taken from women with breast cancer

However you wish to enjoy these small but mighty berries, incorporating Aronia berries into your diet is a must. We recommend starting your day with Good Base Aronia for a delicious morning boost of antioxidants! Combined with Korean Red Ginseng, known for reducing fatigue and improving the immune system—Good Base Aronia delivers all the vitamins you need to transform your health.

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